Mold Man Of South Florida guides you through mold remediation, and works with your insurance company to make the process easier and less stressful.

Mold Inspection in South Florida

If you’re asking yourself, “Why should I look for mold inspectors near me?” find out the answers below.

If you are dealing with a mold infestation for the first time and you don’t know how remediation works, leave it to the experts. Removing mold is often very a technical and complex process.

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends all homeowners with a mold infestation over ten square feet or within the HVAC system hire a professional mold inspection company.

If you, your family, or even pets are experiencing unexpected respiratory illness or other health problems, it can be due to prolonged exposure to mold. This is the most important reason to hire professionals to eliminate mold.

According to industry standards,

mold remediation is a nine-step process:

Locating the Mold

You should always consult a professional to find and eliminate mold in your home, as they are able to thoroughly check all potential problem areas. Homeowners who deal with it themselves can leave behind mold, and even a small amount can grow again and create another infestation.

Using proper supplies

A professional mold inspector follows strict guidelines in using equipment that ensures mold is properly extracted and contained without leaving trace amounts that can spread again. Fungicide, plastic sheets and tape, and the right disposal bags keep your home clean, and stop mold from escaping the affected areas.

Preparing the work area

Once the mold inspector has determined which areas require treatment, he will advise you on removing personal items, and will seal off affected areas with plastic sheeting and tape.

Setting up the negative pressure

Using fans and sheets to create a negative-pressure airlock lets air enter the work area but doesn’t allow it to leave, preventing mold spores from spreading anywhere else.

Wearing the protective suit

An trained and experienced mold inspector wears industry-standard protective gear approved by national and international regulations.

Removing mold infected materials that cannot be cleaned

When the inspector encounters sections of materials like drywall or carpeting rid with mold and beyond saving it will be removed and disposed of properly.

Applying the fungicide

Non-porous surfaces like metal, tile, sinks, countertops, and bathtubs are sprayed with a potent fungicide that eliminates all mold with which it comes in contact.

Encapsulating materials that can’t be removed or replaced

It is possible to install new drywall or carpeting, but you might not be able to do that with wall studs or floor joists. For such materials, a special coating is applied to prevent mold from spreading.

Completing any additional repairs

Once mold has been effectively eliminated, it may be necessary to replace and patch up drywall or other materials to bring your space back to its original condition.

Be Mold-Free

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